Report it!

We want to ensure a safe and engaging learning environment and need feedback from you in order to make improvements. Let us know when you are satisfied with something or when something can be improved. We especially ask you to report serious undesirable incidents.

What should you let us know about?

  • What you think is working and want NLA to do more of
  • Negative aspects of the physical (buildings, rooms, furnishings) or social learning environment
  • Bullying or sexual harassment

Procedure once we receive feedback from you:

  • Reports from students go to the advisor for the quality of education who forwards them to those responsible in the relevant departments or the management at NLA.
  • Everyone who receives and reads messages in the ‘Report it’ portal is subject to the duty of confidentiality.
  • Breaches of information security will be dealt with by the chief security officer (CSO).
  • The Learning Environment Committee will be informed about matters concerning the learning environment.
  • When you report an issue, you can choose if you want to
    a) give your name, or
    b) remain anonymous.

Non-anonymous messages:
When you report a matter in the usual way, you will state your name. Your identity will only be revealed to those who need to be involved in dealing with the matter.  

Anonymous messages:
If you submit a report anonymously, we will not be able to respond to it. Anyone submitting an anonymous message must be aware that these can be difficult to follow up effectively. The opportunity to ask follow-up questions to such messages is limited, but all messages are taken seriously.

When you are satisfied

Is there anything you are particularly satisfied with? What is it that makes you happy at NLA? What have we got right? This is the sort of important feedback we need in our work to constantly be able to improve our physical and social learning environment.

For students: Online form – When you are satisfied


When there is room for improvement

If you feel that the physical or social learning environment is not as good as it should be, you can report this. If there are conflicts in the learning environment between students and staff, or poor quality or inadequate teaching aids, we want your feedback.

If you have good tips on how the working or learning environment at NLA can be improved, we would like to hear them. Do you have an idea for an initiative that can benefit others?

Online form – Where this is room for improvement

Non-conformance form for information security

Serious shortcomings or undesirable conditions in the learning environment

This is where you can report more serious matters. There may be persistent noise problems, a lack of information, conflicts, etc. Separate guidelines are in place for how to handle conflicts. Disagreements should always be resolved at the lowest possible level, but conflicts must be taken up at the level above where the conflict lies. The guidelines provide further information on the procedure for this.

Reporting serious matters

What is the difference between reporting a serious matter and telling us about something you are not satisfied with? When reporting a serious matter, you are providing information about serious undesirable incidents; primarily violations of the law and violations of general ethical norms. Such reports are forwarded to someone who has the authority to change the situation you have reported or experienced.

Whether you are being subjected to harassment or bullying on campus, or have information about research misconduct, it is important that you report this so that we can take steps to rectify the situation.

Online form for students

As a student, you also have alternative reporting channels, such as a teacher, the Student Administration Department, an advisor or others. You can report issues orally or in writing. 

Important information

See for further advice and guidance.