Frequently asked questions FAQ

Nomination of Exchange Students

Login and access Nomination web

I'm not able or permitted to log in to Nomination web. What do I do?

First make sure that you are using an up-to-date web browser such as Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera, Firefox, or Chrome.

Use lower-case letters (e.g. a instead of A) when entering your username. Unfortunately our system can't handle capital/upper-case letters. 

If all else fails, email us at and we will check whether your email is registered correctly in our database and make all the necessary changes.

What do I do if I can't find the relevant agreement/ subject area in Nomination web that I'm responsible for?

Email us at and we will check whether your email is registered correctly in our database for the correct agreement and subject area/s.

Nominating students

Can I nominate students by email?

No, it is only possible to nominate through Nomination web.

Can I nominate students using MOVEONNET?

No, we do not accept nominations through moveonnet.

I entered incorrect data about the student. How do I fix it?

Unfortunately you cannot make changes to the submitted nominations. If you entered incorrect data, you should choose Delete nomination (red circle with the white cross) for the particular student and nominate the student again.

If you are not able to delete the nomination, email us at for assistance.

I can only nominate our student for one semester and I need to nominate the student for two semesters. What do I do?

Please nominate your student for one semester and then email us at and explain the situation. We will make the necessary changes in the system.

When can I nominate students starting their exchange studies in January?

The nomination period for the spring semester opens on 15 June. The deadline for spring nominations is 1 October.

Application status and Letter of Acceptance

Will you send us the student's Letter of Acceptance when it is ready?

No, we don't send Letters of Acceptance to our partners. They are only published in our application system on the student's profile and the student can download the letter as a pdf. If you need a copy of the letter, please contact your student/s.

You can check your students' application status when you log in at Nomination web at any time during the process.

Only two of our five students have received their Letters of Acceptance. Is that normal?

Students from the same home university will not necessarily receive their Letter of Acceptance at the same time. We publish Letters of Acceptance once or twice per week throughout the admission period as soon as the applications have been processed, regardless of which home university the students belong to.

The processing of a student's application can be delayed for several reasons, the most common one being that we are missing one or more of the required documents. In these cases we will email the student directly with information about what is missing and what the student should do next.

Please ask your students to check their email regularly, including the spam filter.

Did you not find the answer to your question above?

Email us at