3GJ319 Independent Study

All versions:
3GJ319 (2024—2025)
3GJ319 (2023—2024)
3GJ319 (2022—2023)
3GJ319 (2021—2022)
3GJ319 (2020—2021)
3GJ319 (2019—2020)
3GJ319 (2018—2019)
3GJ319 (2017—2018)

Course code: 3GJ319

Course name: Independent Study

Semester: Spring

Location: Kristiansand

Academic year: 2017–2018

Language: English

Credits: 10 ECTS Credits

Available for course students: No

Required prerequisite knowledge

  • 3GJ301 Journalism, Media and Globalization
  • 3GJ302 Journalism, Democracy and Development
  • 3GJ303 Research Methodology

Relevance within study programme

GJ 319 Independent Study is an optional course in the MA Programme in Global Journalism at NLA University College. It normally takes place in the second semester of the programme.

No instruction is given for the course. Supervision is provided in either English or Norwegian.


GJ 319 Independent Study is an optional course that opens the possibility to focus on a topic not covered elsewhere in the programme. The topic has to be within the area of Global Journalism. The study is meant to result in a written paper in a typical research conference format, with the possible long-term intention of journal publication.

Learning outcomes descriptors


The student:

  • possesses knowledge of a specialized area within Global Journalism


The student:

  • can formulate a problem statement
  • can investigate and research the chosen topic theoretically
  • can write an analytic paper intended for conference presentation

General competence

The student:

  • is able to work independently on a research topic within a given time frame and scope


See organization.

Teaching and learning methods

The course is organized as an independent study without lectures. The student will meet with an advisor several times during the course. The topic for the study must be within the are of Global Journalism, and shall represent a specialization of a research area covered in GJ 301 and/or GJ 302. The student will also apply knowledge and skills acquired in GJ 303 as part of the research strategy in the study. The study may comprise of a purely theoretical or conceptual task, or could include a limited amount of empirical research as well.

The aim of the study is to produce a research paper intended for conference presentation. The conference itself will usually not be part of the study, although the advisor may guide the student to a conference where he/she could participate in his/her own capacity. The programme encourages the student to attend a research conference if possible (usually in late spring, summer or early autumn), which is usually the first step to developing the paper into a journal publication.

The study may in some cases be carried out as a joint production between several students. The requirements for the final product will in such cases be adjusted according to the organization and layout of the group work. Guidelines will be determined by the programme–s Academic Committee (–fagkomité for global journalistikk–).

The topic for the independent study must be submitted as a proposal to the Academic Committee by December 1 in the semester prior to the study. The Academic Committee is in charge of approving the topic for the study.

There is no standard reading list for the course, but the student is obliged to produce a literature list of at least 20 academic references (research articles, book chapters, reports etc.) which forms the theoretical basis for the study.


250-300 hours.

Coursework requirements

Compulsory components The student is required to submit a proposal by December 1 in the semester prior to the course. The course has no other compulsory components apart from the final paper.

Grading, coursework requirements


Final assessment

The assessment of GJ 319 comprises of one compulsory item:

  • 6000 word research paper (100% of the final grade)

The paper is an independent assignment and must abide by the rules described in the manual for the course. The paper is meant to follow ordinary guidelines for a research paper intended for conference presentation. The length of the paper shall be approximately 6000 words including footnotes and references. The Academic Committee is free to deviate from the regulations if the paper is produced as part of a group work or under other particular circumstances.

Permitted aids under examination


Grading, examination

The paper will be assessed by an examination committee composed by two internal examiners. The assessment is made according to the standard A–F grading system.

Assessment language




Course evaluation

Annually course evaluation in accordance with the quality assurance system for NLA University College. Students may also give their feedback on the course in the student group/ in class.

Available for Course Students



There is no standard reading list for the course, but the student is obliged to produce a literature list of at least 20 academic references (research articles, book chapters, reports etc.) which forms the theoretical basis for the study.